RD Corporation holds fifteen (15) fishing companies, collectively known as RD Fishing Group: RD Fishing Industry, Inc. (RDFII), Bismarck Pacific Sunrise Fishing Corp. (BPSFC), Global Fishing Tuna Venture, Inc. (GFTVI), Golden Anchor Marine Ventures Corp. (GAMVC), Ocean Bounty Fishing Ventures Corp. (OBFVC), Pacific Seas Tuna Ventures, Inc. (PSTVI), Phil Sino Pacific Ventures Corp. (SPAFC), RD Tuna Ventures, Inc. (RDTVI), South Pacific Allied Fisheries Corp. (SPAFC), South Pacific Deep Sea Ventures, Corp. (SPDSVC), South Sea Fishing Ventures Philippines, Inc. (SSFVPI), RD Fishing PNG Ltd., Tropical Fishing Tuna Ventures, Inc. (TFTVI), Southern Tuna Sea Fishing Ventures Inc. (STSFVI), and Asia Pacific Allied Fishing Ventures Corporation (APAFVC).

RD’s fishing fleet operates in the rich fishing grounds of the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, more particularly countries comprising the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA).

To keep its operation efficient and highly competitive, the RD Fishing fleet is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and technologies. The RD Fishing Group has taken a pro-active approach, including re-fleeting and compliance to international standards on food safety, traceability and other regulations. At present, the RD Fishing Group is comprised of 16 single seiners, 5 reefer carriers, and 2 ranger boats.