All of the 30 Years Awardees this year from RD Pawnshop, Inc., RD Fishing Group, and RD Hotel Group with the Board of Directors and Business Unit Heads.
The faces of more than 150 awardees beamed with joy and excitement as they arrived at the well-adorned hall of Phela Grande Convention Center on April 30, 2019 for the prestigious and most awaited annual Employee Service Awards dubbed as ESA 2019 of the RD Group of Companies. The gold and black gowns and suits of the awardees and guests added to the dashing-yet-formal ambiance of the ceremony.
Fifty eight awardees for ten years, twenty seven awardees for 15 years, forty six awardees for 20 years, twenty one awardees for 25 years, eight awardees for 30 years, and one awardee for 35 years of service to their respective fields or assignments in the RD Group of Companies were gathered together in recognition of their commitment and contribution. Also, eight special citations were given to deserving SOCOPA Security Agency, Inc. employees.
Acknowledging that it is God who ordained everything, it was only fitting that the event started welcoming God’s presence and encouragement through God’s Word shared by Rev. Danilo B. Fredeluces, the Executive Director of RD Ministries, Inc. The angelic voices of the RD choir, composed of RDEX, RD Hotels, RD Realty and PENBANK singers, echoed the hall.
The attendance of the board of directors, Mr. Ryan C. Rivera, Mr. Roy C. Rivera, and Ms. Debbie Ann R. Riveral, was very significant to convey to the employees that this ESA event is not just an ordinary day but a special time intended to honor their loyalty, faithfulness and dedication. Each one managed to grace the occasion with their presence and motivated the employees through words of inspiration and remarkable speeches.
Mr. Gerie D. Lampitco, the OIC – Director of Regional Conciliation Mediation Board (RCMB) XII, came as the guest speaker. He captured the audience when he said, “employee recognition is

Ms. Debbie Ann Rivera-Riveral, EVP-CIO RD Corporation, addressing the ESA awardees.
very important since it makes employees loyal to the company” during his inspirational message.
The “RDian dancers” kept the gleeful atmosphere alive with their entertaining and enthusiastic dance numbers.
To cap the momentous celebration was the presentation of awards. Each awardee was given the moment to be in the spotlight as they all took center stage, one at a time, to receive
their tokens of appreciation for their love and service to the company. RD Group of Companies bestowed recognition to 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 years service awardees respectively.

From left: Ms. Alma Sid Pascual, GM of RDPI, Ms. Helen Nograles, the lone 35 years service awardee this year, and Ms. Debbie Ann Rivera-Riveral, EVP-CIO RD Corporation.
It’s heart-warming to hear the message of Mrs. Helen B. Nograles, the lone 35 years service awardee, stating that “We are very thankful that we are being appreciated relentlessly for our efforts, dedication and loyalty and recognized for working earnestly and passionately amidst the challenges in our respective RD companies. I am grateful to God for giving me the privilege to share my skills and passion through RD Pawnshop for 36 years.” Ms. Debbie Ann R. Riveral (EVP – Chief Information Officer), concluded the event, and touched the heart of the audience when she said, “God continues to work and has never stopped working until now… May we share more years together and be on the path towards success. To God be the Glory!” in her closing remarks.
This year’s theme for ESA, “People, Purpose, Passion the Pathway to Success”, has been so evident, not just in every RD company, but the activity’s culmination as well. The RD Corporation Family, together with the People Management Department Heads of RD subsidiaries, passionately worked hand in hand while understanding each one’s purpose and the one purpose of the team to achieve a successful implementation of ESA 2019. (Jonalyn Durante and Estela Marie Verana)